(06-02-2025) Timetables for Pharm.D I and III Years Supply Exams Feb/March-2025.
05-02-2025) Notification for M.Pharm I-sem Regular/Supply II-sem Supply Exams March-2025.
(05-02-2025) XIII Convocation - Provisional List of
Gold Medals - Reg.
(03-02-2025) Non- Autonomous Affiliated colleges Submission of details of admissions to M.Tech & M.Pharmacy/Pharm-D & Pharm-D(PB) during 2024-25 academic year - Reg.
(03-02-2025) Autonomous Affiliated Colleges submission of details of admissions to M.Tech & M.Pharmacy/ Pharm-D & Pharm-D (PB) during 2024-25 academic year - Reg.
(29-01-2025) Notification for B.Pharmacy III-I, II-I Regular/Supply, III-II & II-II Supply exams March-2025.
(29-01-2025)Non- Autonomous Affiliated colleges Submission of details of admissions to MBA / MCA during 2024-25 academic year - Regarding.
(29-01-2025) Autonomous Affiliated Colleges submission of details of admissions to MBA /MCA during 2024-25 academic year - Reg.
(27-01-2025) Guidelines for Original Certificates verification for ensure eligibility of candidates admitted by management under Management Quota/Spot and SW-II and SW-III under minority category for the Academic Year 2024-25.
(27-01-2025) Ratification/Certificate Verification of Regular MBA/MCA Convener/Category-B/Spot Admissions of Affiliated Colleges admissions-2024-25 through SW-I/SW-II - Info Reg.
(24-01-2025) Timetables for B.Tech/B.Tech(Minor) and B.Pharm IV-I Regular/Supply Feb-2025.
(24-01-2025) Timetable for M. Tech/MBA/MCA III Sem Regular/Supply & MBA/MCA IV Sem Supply & MCA V Sem Supply Exams February-2025.
(23-01-2025) Processing SC Students' Scholarship Applications/2025 - Info Reg.
(20-01-2025) Notification for M. Tech I-I Regular/Supply and I-II Supply Exams March-2025.
(17-01-2025) Notification for MBA/MCA I Sem Regular/Supply and II Sem Supply exams Feb/Mar-2025
(17-01-2025) Course Brochure for Global Initiative of Academic Network(GIAN)-2025 (Nanomaterials in Chemical and Biosensors).
(10-01-2025) Timetables for B.Tech I-I Regular/Supply,I-Year and I-II Supply University Exams Jan/Feb-2025.
(23-12-2024) Notification for B.Tech / B.Tech(Minor degree) / B.Pharm IV-I Regular/Supply Exams Feb-2025.
(08-01-2025) Notification for B.Tech IV-I Regular/Supply Mini Project University Exams Jan-2025.
(07-01-2025) Notification for PHARM D I Year and III Year Supplementary Exams February/March-2025.
(04-01-2025) NEP Orientation & Sensitization
(03-01-2025)B.TECH III-I Regular /supply, III-II Supply Preprinted stationary(Answer Booklets) Mapping information-Reg.
(03-01-2025) Revised Timetables for B.Tech/B.Tech(Minor) III-I Regular/Supply, III-II Supply Exams Jan/Feb-2025.
(03-01-2025) Rescheduling of B.Tech. II Year I Sem, BBA III Year I Sem Exams scheduled on 27-12-2024 and B.Tech. II Year II Sem Supply University Semester End Exams scheduled on 09-01-2025-Intimation-Reg.
(03-01-2025) Registraion for Workshop on Design of Curriculum & Course Structure of UG Engg. Programme - JNTUH.
(03-01-2025) Workshop on Design of Curriculum & Course Structure of UG Engg. Programme - JNTUH.
(02-01-2025) Timetables for Pharm.D II and IV Years Supply Exams January-2025.
(02-01-2025) Timetable for Pharm.D(PB) II Year Supply Exams January-2025.
(30-12-2024)REVISED SCHEDULE for Certificate Verification / Ratification of Regular B.Tech (Convener /Management (Cat-B) / Spot) Admissions for the A.Y.-2024-25
(23-12-2024)Certificate Verification / Ratification of Regular B.Tech (Convener /Management (Cat-B) / Spot) Admissions for the A.Y.-2024-25 NOTIFICATION / SCHEDULE
(27-12-2024) Declaration of Holiday on 27.12.2024 to all the JNTUH Constituent and Affiliated (Autonomous & Non-Autonomous) Colleges
(21-12-2024) Notification for MTech III-Sem Regular/Supply Exams Feb-2025
(21-12-2024) Notification for MBA/MCA III-Sem Regular/Supply and IV Sem and MCA V Sem Supply Exams Feb-2025.
(21-12-2024) Postal Logistic van trip schedule from 23-12-2024 to 31-12-2024
(13-12-2024) Lateral Entry admissions into B.Tech/B.Pharm/Pharm.D 2024-25 Original Certificates Verification Ratification Schedule (Phase-2)
(13-12-2024) Submission of data for preparation of JNTUH DIARY 2025-JNTUH,Hyderabad-Directorate of Academic Affairs-Reg.
(11-12-2024) Notification for B.Tech I-I Regular/Supply & I-II Supply exams Jan/Feb-2025.
(10-12-2024) Notification for PHARM D II Year and IV Year Supplementary Exams January-2025
(10-12-2024) Notification for PHARM D(PB) II Year Supplementary Exams January-2025
(10-12-2024) Timetables for B.Tech II-I Regular/Supply, II-II Supply Exams Dec-2024/Jan-2025.
(30-11-2024) Lateral Entry admissions into B.Tech/B.Pharm/Pharm.D 2024-25 Original Certificates Verification Ratification Schedule (Phase-1)
(30-11-2024) Notification for Project Thesis Uploading Phase-II for MTech/MPharm Dec-2024/Jan-2025.
(26-11-2024) Notification for B.Tech III-I Regular/Supply, III-II Supply & Minor degree III-I Regular/Supply, III-II Supply exams Jan-2025.
(23-11-2024) JNTUH-UGC-MMTTC-Deputing the faculty members to attend online "NEP-Orientation & Sensitization Programme" schedule from 02-12-2024 to 10-12-2024.
(22-11-2024) Affiliated colleges - All UG/PG courses including Lateral entry and NRI- Management quota/Spot admissions SW-I,SW-II and SW-III-Submission of Original Certificates for Certificate Verification/Ratification-Intimation-Reg.
(14-11-2024) Notification for Pharm D(PB) II Year Supply Project December 2024.
(07-11-2024) Notification for B.Tech II-I Regular/Supply & II-II Supply exams Dec-2024.
(04-11-2024) Evaluation of Confidential descriptive answer papers -
Appointment of members in the Confidential Team for evaluation work
- Request to relieve the faculty member - Reg.
(04-11-2024) Re-registration of B.Tech I year I sem (R22) Regulation information-reg.
(29-10-2024) B.Tech I year and LES files submission letters for Affiliated Autonomous Colleges.
(28-10-2024) B.Tech I Year and LES files submission letters for Affiliated colleges.
(04-10-2024) Request for Participation of JNTU Students in the Global Grace Cancer Run on October 6th.
(04-10-2024)Inputs on UG Syllabus and revision of Academic Regulations(Applicable from Academic Year 2025-26).
(26-09-2024) Notification for Project Thesis Uploading MCA Regular/Supply and MBA Supply Oct-2024.
(25-09-2024) BTech II Year I Semester R22 Re-Registration letter Reg Sep-2024.
(14-09-2024) Re-Schedule of B.Pharm / M.Pharam / PharmD Courses, University Examinations Scheduled on 17-09-2024
(13-09-2024)Timetable for Pharm.D V Year Supply Exams Sep-2024.
(10-09-2024) Timetable for M.Pharmacy I-II Regular/Supply and I-I Supply and II-I Supply exams September-2024
(10-09-2024) Timetables for B.Pharmacy II-II Regular/Supply and II-I Supply Sep-2024
(04-09-2024)Timetable for BTech/BPharm III-II CBT Exams Sep-2024.
(29-08-2024)Notification for M.Pharm II-I Comprehensive viva voce Sep-2024
(27-08-2024) Timetable for B.Pharmacy I-II Regular/Supply and I-I Supply Exams Sep-2024.
(27-08-2024) Timetable for Pharm.D II-Year Regular / Supply Exams Sep-2024.
(27-08-2024) Timetable for Pharm.D(PB) II Year Regular / Supply Exams Sep-2024.
(23-08-2024) Timetable for B.Pharmacy II-II (R22) II-Mid Term Exams Sep-2024
(21-08-2024) Notification for Pharm.D V Year Supply Exams Sep-2024.
(20-08-2024) Notification for MTech/MPharm IV Sem Regular/Supply Project dissertation uploading for anti-plagiarism checking Aug/Sep-2024
(20-08-2024) CBT Exam notification for B.Tech/B.Pharm III-II SEP-2024.
(20-08-2024) Timetable for B.Pharmacy I-II(R22) II-Mid Term Exams Aug-2024.
(09-08-2024) Timetable for M.Tech I-II Regular/Supply, I-I & II-I Supply Exams Aug-2024.
(09-08-2024) Timetable for MBA II-Sem Regular/Supply and I-Sem Supply Exams Aug/Sep-2024.
(09-08-2024) Timetables for B.Tech/B.Pharm III-I & III-II Regular/Supply Aug/Sep-2024.
(08-08-2024) UG_and_PG_Postal_Logistic_Logsheet_Aug-2024.
(08-06-2024) Notification M.Pharm II Sem Regular/Supply I-III Supply Exams September-2024.
(06-08-2024) UIIC - JNTUH - A Mega Job Fair - 2024.
(05-08-2024) Rescheduling of B.Tech II Year II Sem, Mining Engineering Branch Reg/supply University Exam
scheduled on 06-08-2024.
(02-08-2024) Notification for PHARM D(PB) II-YEAR Regular and Supply Exam Sep-2024.
(02-08-2024) Notification for PHARM D II-YEAR Regular and Supply Exams Sep-2024.
(02-08-2024) Notification for B.Pharm II-II regular/supply & II-I Supply Exams Sep-2024.
(02-08-2024)Notification for B.Pharm I-II regular/supply ,I-year & I-I supply Exams Sep-2024.
(27-07-2024)Postal logistics Van Trip Schedule for UG/PG Exams from 30-07-2024 to 06-08-2024.
(26-07-2024) Timetable for B.Tech/B.Pharm IV-II Advanced Supply exams Aug-2024.
(23-07-2024) Timetable for PHARMD(PB) I Year Regular and Supply exams August-2024.
(23-07-2024) Timetable for PharmD I Year Regular/Supply and III Year Regular/Supply exams August-2024.
(20-07-2024) Timetable for MBA MCA II-II Regular/Supply II-I Supply and MCA III-I Supply Exams July/August-2024.
(19-07-2024)Timetable for B.Tech II-II Regular/Supply, II-I Supply Exams Jul/Aug-2024.
(15-07-2024)Notification for B.Tech /B.Pharmacy IV-II Adv Supply uploading of project viva-voce external examination panel July/August-2024.
(15-07-2024) MBA Course Regular Notification for Project Thesis Uploading Jul/Aug-2024.
(10-07-2024) Notification for MBA/MCA II Sem Regular/Supply and I Sem Supply Exams Aug/Sep-2024.
(10-07-2024) Notification for MTech II Sem Regular/Supply and I-III Sem Supply Exam Aug/Sep-2024.
(10-07-2024) Notification for Pharm D V Year Supply Project dissertation uploading for anti-plagiarism checking.
(10-07-2024) Notification for B.Tech/B.Pharm III-II Regular/Supply & III-I Supply & Minor degree exams Aug/Sep-2024.
(05-07-2024) Notification for BTech/BPharm IV-II Advanced Supply exams Aug-2024.
(02-07-2024) Notification for Pharm D III Year Regular_Supply exams Aug-2024.
(02-07-2024) Notification for Pharm D I Year Regular_Supply exams Aug-2024.
(02-07-2024) Notification for Pharm D (PB) I Year Regular_Supply exams Aug-2024.
(28-06-2024) Timetable for B.Tech I-II reg/supply,I-I supply and I year supply exams Jul/Aug-2024.
(28-06-2024) B.Tech I Year II Sem II midterm exams timetable July-2024.
(27-06-2024) Notification for Pharm D (PB) II Year Regular / Supply Project dissertation uploading for anti-plagiarism checking.
(18-06-2024) Timetable for B.Pharmacy II-II(R22) I Mid Term Exams June-2024.
(15-06-2024) Timetable for CBT Exam IV-II BTech/BPharm June-2024.
(12-06-2024) Notification for B.Tech II-II Reg/Supply and II-I Supply Exams July-2024.
(12-06-2024) Notification for MBA/MCA IV Sem Regular/Supply III & MCA V Sem Supply exams July Aug-2024.
(06-06-2024) A One day National Workshop on Leading the Way Navigating the Emerging Trends of AI, Electrification & IoT in
Engineering Education
(05-06-2024) CBT Exam notification for B.Tech/B.Pharm IV-II JUNE-2024
(01-06-2024) Postal logistic van trip schedule June-2024 Exams.
(01-06-2024) BTECH/BPHARM IV Year I Supply preprinted exams stationary mapping for revised dates of examination June-2024.
(29-05-24)Examination Notification for BTech I-II Regular/supply,I-I and I Year Supply Jul-2024.
(25-05-2024)Timetables for BTech/BPharm III-II First Midterm Exams May-2024.
(21-05-2024)Timetables for BTech/BPharm IV-II Reg/Sup & IV-I Sup & Minor Degree JUNE-2024.
(18-05-2024)Revised Timetable for Pharm.D IV Year Regular/Supply University Exams June-2024.
(17-05-2024)Enterpreneurship Bootcamp
(17-05-2024)Timetables for Pharm.D IV Year Regular Supply University Exams June-2024
(08-05-2024) B.Tech B.Pharm IV-II Uploading of Project viva-voce Regular/Supply June-2024
(03-05-2024) Notifications for Pharm D IV Year Regular_Supply exams June-2024.
(23-04-2024) Timetables for B.Tech II year II sem R22 first mid term exams April/May-2024.
(18-04-2024) MBA/MCA Supply Notification for Project Thesis Uploading April/May-2024.
(15-04-2024)Examination Notification for BTech/BPharm IV-II Regular/Supply and IV-I supply and minor degree exams June-2024
(01-04-2024) BTech I-II R22 Re-Rregistration April-2024.
(28-03-2024) Timetables for III-I B.TECH/B.PHARM CBT exams April-2024.
(28-03-2024) Timetables for B.Tech I YEAR II Sem R22 I Mid Term Exams April-2024.
(18-03-2024) Project Thesis and Panels submission for Onetime chance for subjects cleared students of PG Courses March-2024.
(15-03-2024) CBT Exam notification for III-I B.Tech and B.Pharm April-2024.
(14-03-2024) UG/PG Postal Logistic van trip scheduled from 15-03-2024 to 02-04-2024.
(12-03-2024) Common service fee for B.Pharm(II-I)/M.Pharm(I-I) and Pharm.D(V) Regular March-2024.
(07-03-2024) Timetables for B.Pharm II-I Regular/Supply and II-II Supply Exams March-2024.
Timetables for Pharm.D V Year Regular / Supply and Pharm.D / Pharm.D(PB) I & II Years Supply Exams March /April-2024
(05-03-2024) Timetables for M.Pharm I-I Regular Supply I-II Supply Exams March-2024.
(05-03-2024) TPOs and management of Autonomous and Afflicted Colleges of JNTU HYD.
(02-03-2024) Postal logistic van trip scheduled from 04-03-2024 to 14-03-2024 for UG/PG Exams March-2024.
(26-02-2024) Timetables for M.Tech I-I Regular/Supply and I-II Supply Exams March-2024
(26-02-2024) Timetables for BTech/B.Pharm III-I Regular/supply & III-II supply March-2024.
(17-02-2024) Examination Notification for B.Pharm II-I Regular/Supply and II-II Supply Mar-2024
(20-02-2024) Revised schedule for Non-Autonomous Affiliated colleges Submission of details of admissions to MTech/MPharam /Pharm.D/PharmD.(PB)/MBA /MCA during 2023-24 academic year.
(20-02-2024) Revised schedule for Autonomous Affiliated colleges Submission of details of admissions to MTech/MPharam /Pharm.D/PharmD.(PB)/MBA / MCA during 2023-24 academic year.
(19-02-2024) Non-Autonomous and Autonomous Affiliated Colleges submission of details of admissions to M.Tech / M.Pharmacy/ MBA / MCA/ PharmD / PharmD(PB) during 2023-24 academic year - Reg.
(17-02-2024)Timetable for B.Pharmacy I-Year I-Sem(R22) 2nd Mid Term Exams FEB-2024.
(17-02-2024)BPharmacy R22 II-I and R17 III-I Mid-II Exams Timetables Feb/Mar-2024
(16-02-2024)JNTU logsheet for UG/PG Exams Feb-2024.
(15-02-2024) Postal logistic van trip schedule UG/PG Exams Feb/March-2024.
(15-02-2024) Timetable for MBA/MCA and M.Pharm Regular/Supply Exams Feb/March-2024
(10-02-2024) Notification for Pharm D V Year Regular_Supply exams March-2024.
(10-02-2024) Notifications for Pharm D and Pharm D(PB) I and II Years Supply exams March-2024
(06-02-2024) UG_and_PG_Postal_Logistic_Logsheet_Feb-2024
(05-02-2024) Postal logistic van trip schedule for UG & PG exams Jan/Feb-2024.
(05-02-2024) Timetables for B.Tech II-I Reg/Supply and II-II Supply Exams Feb-2024
(05-02-2024) Notification for MTech/MPharm I-I Regular/Supply and I-II Supply Exams March-2024
(05-02-2024) Timetable for MBA/MCA II-I Regular/Supply & II-II Supply & MCA III-I Supply Exams February-2024
(02-02-2024) Notification M.Pharm II-I Comprehensive viva-voce Feb-2024
(02-02-2024) Notification for B.Pharm I-I Reg/Sup I-year,I-II Sup Exams March-2024
(02-02-2024) Notifications for B.Tech/B.Pharm III-I Reg/Sup III-II Sup and minor degree exams March-2024
(31-01-2024) B.TECH I year,I-II Supply Preprinted exams stationary mapping for revised dates of examination
(30-01-2024) Timetable for M.Tech II-I Reg/Sup Exams February-2024
(30-01-2024) JNTUH - Affiliated Colleges - B.Pharm / M.Tech / M.Pharm / Pharm.D(PB) / MBA / MCA etc. Submission of Original Certificates for eligibility Verification / Ratification - Intimation - Reg.
(29-01-2024) Revised CBT Timetable for BTECH/BPHARM IV-I Regular Exams Jan/Feb-2024.
(29-01-2024) BTech Postal Logistic Logsheet Jan/Feb-2024
(27-01-2024) B.Tech Postal Logistic van trip schedule for Jan/Feb-2024 Exams.
(27-01-2024) CBT Timetable for BTECH/BPHARM IV-I Regular Exams JAN-2024.
(25-01-2024) Timetables for Pharm.D III year supplementary Examination for Feb-2024.
(23-01-2024) Revised Timetables for B.Tech I-I Reg/Sup,I-Year/I-II Sup Exams Jan/Feb-2024
(22-01-2024) Notification for MPharm III-Sem Reg/Sup Exams February-2024
(22-01-2024)Notification for MBA/MCA I-Sem Reg/Sup & II-Sem Sup Exams Feb/Mar-2024
(10-01-2024) CBT Exam notification for IV-I B.Tech/B.Pharm January-2024
(10-01-2024)Examination Notification for BTech II-I Regular/ Supply, II-II Supply Feb-2024
(09-01-2024) Notification for MBA/MCA III-Sem Regular/Supply IV-Sem & V-Sem Supply Exams Feb-2024
(09-01-2024) Notification for MTech III-Sem Regular/Supply Exams Feb-2024
(09-01-2024) Notification for Project Thesis Uploading M.Tech & M.Pharm Courses-II Phase January-2024
(09-01-2024) Notification for PharmD V Year Reg/Sup and PharmD(PB) II Year Supply Project Thesis uploading for anti-plagiarism checking.
(04-01-2024) Notification for Pharm.D III year supplementary Examination for Feb-2024.
(23-12-2023) BTECH/BPHARMACY Postal Logistic van trip schedule for Dec-2023/Jan-2024 Exams.
(20-12-2023)BTech I-I Sem R22 Re-Rregistration Jan-2024-Reg.
(20-12-2023) Examination Notification for BTech I-I Regular/Supply ,I-year/I-II supply Jan/Feb-2024
(18-12-2023)TIimetables for B.Tech/B.Pharm and B.Tech Minor Degree IV-I Sem Regular/Supply Dec-2023/Jan-2024
(20-12-2023)JNTUH XII-Convocation final list of Gold medal recipients.
(15-12-2023)Relaxing the Promotion rules and approval of Grace Marks for certain regulation of B.Tech./B.Pharm./BBA.
(12-12-2023)JNTUH XII-Convocation provisional list of Gold medal recipients.
(07-12-2023)Timetable for B.Pharmacy I-Year I-Sem(R22) 1st Mid Term Exams Dec-2023
(07-12-2023)Timetable for B.Pharmacy II-Year I-Sem(R22) 1st Mid Term Exams Dec-2023
(06-12-2023)Timetables for B.Tech/B.Pharmacy III-Year I-Sem 1st Midterm exam Dec-2023
(06-12-2023) Timetables for B.Tech/B.Pharm IV-Year I-Sem 2nd midterm exams Dec-2023
(06-12-2023) Final Timetables for B.Tech / B.Pharm / M.Tech / M.Pharm / MBA / MCA / BTech(CCC) / MoU One Time Chance Examinations Dec-2023/Jan-2024.
(29-11-2023)One Time Chance Provisional Timetables for UG/PG/MOU/BTechCCC Dec/Jan-(2023-2024)
(28-11-2023) Rescheduling of II-Year I-sem I-Midterm exam Dec-2023 Intimation-Reg
(25-11-2023)Rescheduling of all University Regular/Supply and Mid exams from 28-11-2023 to 04-12-2023 Intimation-Reg
(24-11-2023) B.Tech IV-I R18 Reg Supply R16 Supply Mini Project Dec-2023.
(18-11-2023) Notification for Pre-Ph.D Pre-M.Phill Pre-MS Supplementary Examination for dec-2023
(18-11-2023)Submission of Residual Material of all UG and PG course Dec-2023
(18-11-2023) BTech R22 regulations Re-registraion fixation of fee intimation Nov-23
(18-11-2023)JNTUH - Affiliated Colleges B.Tech/B.Pharmacy lateral entry admissions submission of Original Certificates for Ratification-Intimation
(14-11-2023)Notifications for B.Tech/B.Pharm IV I Regular & Supply and minor degree exams Dec 2023.
(04-11-2023)MBA/MCA Courses Reg/Sup Notification for Project Thesis Uploading Nov/Dec-2023
(2-11-2023)No postal logistics service for B.Tech_special Supply & PharmD Supply Exams Nov-2023 intimation
(01-11-2023)Timetable for BTech I YEAR I Sem R22 I Mid Term Exams Nov-2023
(26-10-2023) Timetables for CBT II-II B.Tech/B.Pharm Oct-2023
(26-10-2023)Timetables for B.Tech Special Supply Exams for 2022-23 Outgoing Batch November-2023.
(26-10-2023) Timetables for Pharm_D IV Year Supplementary University Exams November_2023